Wednesday, September 7, 2011


by plane was a really good idea!

Even though I love my family, driving 5 hours to Washington D.C would have been tough. First I don’t even think we would have gotten there on time (embarrassing) and second it would have been harder to say goodbye. At least getting on a plane at 8 in the morning meant I was half asleep and not really thinking about the huge leap of faith I was taking.

So, after packing till 2 in the morning (weight limits are such a pain) I could finally start my journey with over 130 pounds of baggage. Monica (in purple) is carrying my “personal item” which weighted let’s say about 50 pounds. Goodie!

Here in lovely fashion we have my Mom, me, brother Chris, Monica, and Dad.

Monica (left if you still don’t know who i am) made Fiona for me. This bunny made me look ridiculous at the airport but I know it’s filled with love (cough, cotton).

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