Thursday, September 15, 2011


are exactly what I pictured, living on the edge of the Black forest.

My first official day in Germany and already I get to go around. Luckily I was able to sleep in because it’s SUNDAY, my favorite day of the week. I’m surprised how comfortable I feel with my host family. I think because they are all so friendly and open; I know that they want me here. Short and simple.

After a typical German breakfast of bread, pretzels, fruit, granola with yogurt, and nutella of course: we planned out our day. And here comes the irony. By my third blog post I was so tired of waiting to find out where I would be living in Germany that I posted a picture of a castle in Germany as my home. And here I am on my first official day going to a c-a-s-t-l-e. I can just smell Destiny!

Located in Bad Liebenzell my “castle” is more like a guard tower, but nevertheless I was satisfied. And with no further adieu I introduce what we are now calling my pre-castle. Every week or so we will be build up further and hopefully end with the castle from my previous blog post—Neuschwanstein Castle

A view from above.
 Before going to the castle we spent quite a while at this medieval fair in Bad Wildbad. It had German musical instruments, food, clothing, jewelry, games, and activities. It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood so enjoy!

After all that walking, we went to a cafe. Anne and I shared some famous “Black Forest Cake” that consists of cherries, chocolate mousse, and some type of alcohol. YUM!

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