Monday, October 31, 2011

HALLOWEEN [nur für Kinder]

Happy Halloween! Only in the past few years have I become a Halloween participator.
Here's the sequencing:
  • baby to 12 years old--> Halloween is AWESOME
  • 12-15 years old-->Halloween is for babies
  • 16 years to now--> costumes & FREE CANDY 

And then coming to Germany imagine how sad I was to learn that only little kids celebrate Halloween. Sad. Halloween was also during my fall break from school so I wouldn't have had to worry about waking up the next morning for school. Tragically there was no trick-or-treating for me, but I still decided to dress up so that when I answered the door I would feel better.

Halloween, only for children in Germany

But, I didn't stay home the whole night. After answering the door and working on my college applications I went to a Halloween party with friends from school. There wasn't any free candy though.

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